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stellar trail
  • stellar trail

    silver/tin, stainless steel, labradorit, white cotton, knitting thread fur.


    Stellar Trail


    Inspired by the cosmic dance of stars and the mysteries of the universe, Stellar Trail is a journey through the celestial. At its heart, this piece carries a Labradorite stone, known for its otherworldly glow and powerful energy. Labradorite is often called the “stone of transformation,” offering protection and sparking curiosity, much like the stars that guide us through the night.


    The handcrafted tin pendant, with its raw, textured surface, feels like a fragment of a shooting star — a reminder that we are all connected to the greater cosmos.


    Stellar Trail is more than an accessory; it’s a symbol of your path, your journey, and the trail you leave behind as you move forward. Let this necklace be your guide, illuminating your path with the magic of the universe.


    Wear it as a reminder of the stars that light your way, and the infinite possibilities that lie ahead✨


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